

BVS Ministério da Saúde. Area Temática Arquitetura e Engenharia em Saúde.  Publicações

La Biblioteca Virtual de Salud del Ministerio de Salud del Brasil dentro de su área temática Arquitectura e Ingeniería en Salud ha publicado varios documentos científicos relacionados con la especialidad. Dentro de los más importantes podemos señalar:

Idioma: portugués


International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE). Library

La biblioteca de la Federación Internacional de Ingeniería Hospitalaria se crea siendo su primer logro la publicación de artículos seleccionados de las presentaciones ante el Congreso IFHE de 2008  de Barcelona.
En este caso particular, algunos están escritos en español y algunos en inglés.
Cada artículo comienza con un resúmen en inglés, seguido por el documento completo en versión original, preferiblemente en inglés, pero sin excluir otros idiomas. Idioma: inglés


Biomedical Engineering

Libro de acceso abierto de la editorial InTech que brinda varios capítulos relacionados con temas de ingeniería biomédica. Entre ellos tenemos:

  1. Microelectronic Biosensors: Materials and Devices
  2. Low-Power and Low-Voltage Analog-to-Digital Converters for wearable EEG systems
  3. On-chip Cell Positioning and Sorting Using Contactless Methods: a Comparison between Different Force-fields
  4. Exploring Insight of User Needs: the First Stage of Biomedical Engineering Design
  5. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation
  6. Synchrotron Radiation Microangiography for Investigation of Metabolic Syndrome in Rat Model
  7. Wireless Power Technology for Biomedical Implants
  8. Assessment of the Shadow Caused by the Human Body on the Personal RF Dosimeters Reading in Multipath Environments
  9. Monitoring Drowsiness On-line Using a Single Encephalographic Channel
  10. The Merits of Artificial Proprioception, with Applications in Biofeedback Gait Rehabilitation Concepts and Movement Disorder Characterization
  11. Robust and Optimal Blood-Glucose Control in Diabetes Using Linear Parameter Varying paradigms
  12. Towards Diagnostically Robust Medical Ultrasound Video Streaming Using H.264
  13. Contact-less Assessment of In-vivo Body Signals Using Microwave Doppler Radar
  14. Subspace Techniques for Brain Signal Enhancement
  15. Classification of Mental Tasks Using Different Spectral Estimation Methods
  16. On-site Measurement, Data Process and Wavelet Analysis Techniques for Recognizing Daily Physiological States
  17. Survey of Recent Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation Techniques
  18. Fuzzy-based Kernel Regression Approaches for Free Form Deformation and Elastic Registration of Medical Images
  19. ICA Applied to Microcalcification Clusters CAD in Mammograms
  20. Nanomedicine in Cancer
  21. Capacitive Sensing of Narrow-Band ECG and Breathing Activity of Infants through Sleepwear
  22. EEG-Based Personal Identification
  23. Skin and Non-Solid Cancer Incidence in Interventional Radiology Using Biological and Physical Dosimetry Methods
  24. Nonlinear Projective Filtering of ECG Signals
  25. Recent Developments in Computer Methods for fMRI Data Processing
  26. Carbon Nanotubes in Bone Tissue Engineering
  27. Traditional and Dynamic Action Potential Clamp Experiments with HCN4 Pacemaker Current: Biomedical Engineering in Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology
  28. Medical Remote Monitoring Using Sound Environment Analysis and Wearable Sensors
  29. Standard Model, File Formats and Methods in Brain-Computer Interface Research: Why?
  30. Tonometric Vascular Function Assessment
  31. New Methods for Atrial Activity Extraction in Atrial Tachyarrhythmias
  32. Automatic Mutual Nonrigid Registration of Dense Surface Models by Graphical Model based Inference
  33. Intelligent and Personalised Hydrocephalus Treatment and Management
  34. A Simulation Study on Balance Maintenance Strategies during Walking
  35. Human Facial Expression Recognition Using Fisher Independent Component
  36. Requirements and Solutions for Advanced Telemedicine Applications

Idioma: inglés


Recent Advances in Biomedical Engineering

Libro de acceso abierto de la editorial InTech que brinda varios capítulos relacionados con temas de ingeniería biomédica. Entre ellos tenemos:

  1. Micro Macro Neural Network to Recognize Slow Movement: EMG based Accurate and Quick Rollover Recognition
  2. Compression of Surface Electromyographic Signals Using Two-Dimensional Techniques
  3. A New Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Neurological Disorders based on EMG signals
  4. Source Separation and Identification Issues in Bio Signals: a Solution Using Blind Source Separation
  5. Sources of Bias in Synchronization Measures and how to Minimize Their Effects on the Estimation of Synchronicity: Application to the Uterine Electromyogram
  6. Multichannel Analysis of EEG Signal Applied to Sleep Stage Classification
  7. P300-Based Speller Brain-Computer Interface
  8. Alterations in Sleep Electroencephalography and Heart Rate Variability During the Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Hypopnoea
  9. Flexible Implantable Thin Film Neural Electrodes
  10. Developments in Time-Frequency Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images Using a Generalized Fourier Synthesis
  11. Automatic Counting of Aedes aegypti Eggs in Images of Ovitraps
  12. Hyperspectral Imaging: a New Modality in Surgery
  13. Dialectical Classification of MR Images for the Evaluation of Alzheimer’s Disease
  14. 3-D MRI and DT-MRI Content-adaptive Finite Element Head Model Generation for Bioelectomagnetic Imaging
  15. Denoising of Fluorescence Confocal Microscopy Images with Photobleaching compensation in a Bayesian framework
  16. Advantages of Virtual Reality Technology in Rehabilitation of People with Neuromuscular Disorders
  17. A Prototype Device to Measure and Supervise Urine Output of Critical Patients
  18. Wideband Technology for Medical Detection and Monitoring
  19. “Hybrid-PLEMO”, Rehabilitation System for Upper Limbs with Active / Passive Force Feedback Mode
  20. Fractional-Order Models for the Input Impedance of the Respiratory System
  21. Modelling of Oscillometric Blood Pressure Monitor — from white to black box models
  22. Arterial Blood Velocity Measurement by Portable Wireless System for Healthcare Evaluation: the Related Effects and Significant Reference Data
  23. Studying Ion Channel Dysfunction and Arrythmogenesis in the Human Atrium: A Computational Approach
  24. Discovery of Biorhythmic Stories behind Daily Vital Signs and Its Application
  25. Linear and Nonlinear Synchronization Analysis and Visualization during Altered States of Consciousness
  26. RFId Technologies for the Hospital. How to Choose the Right One and Plan the Right Solution?
  27. Improvement of Touch Sensitivity by Pressing
  28. Modeling Thermoregulation and Core Temperature in Anatomically-Based Human Models and Its Application to RF Dosimetry
  29. Towards a Robotic System for Minimally Invasive Breast Interventions
  30. Spectral Analysis Methods for Spike-Wave Discharges in Rats with Genetic Absence Epilepsy
  31. A 3D Graph-Cut based Algorithm for Evaluating Carotid Plaque Echogenicity and Texture
  32. Specular Surface Reconstruction Method for Multi-Camera Corneal Topographer Arrangement

Idioma: inglés


New Developments in Biomedical Engineering

Libro de acceso abierto de la editorial InTech que publica varios capítulos relacionados a diferentes temas de la ingeniería biomédica. Entre ellos tenemos:

  1. Nonparametric Modeling and Model-Based Control of the Insulin-Glucose System
  2. State-Space Modeling for Single-Trial Evoked Potential Estimation
  3. Non-Stationary Biosignal Modelling
  4. Stochastic Differential Equations With Applications to Biomedical Signal Processing
  5. Spectro-Temporal Analysis of Auscultatory Sounds
  6. Deconvolution Methods and Applications of Auditory Evoked Response Using High Rate Stimulation
  7. Recent Advances in Prediction-based EEG Preprocessing for Improved Brain-Computer Interface Performance
  8. Recent Numerical Methods in Electrocardiology
  9. Information Fusion in a High Dimensional Feature Space for Robust Computer Aided Diagnosis Using Digital Mammograms
  10. Computer-based Diagnosis of Pigmented Skin Lesions
  11. Quality Assessment of Retinal Fundus Images Using Elliptical Local Vessel Density
  12. 3D-3D Tubular Organ Registration and Bifurcation Detection from CT Images
  13. On Breathing Motion Compensation in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
  14. Silhouette-based Human Activity Recognition Using Independent Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis and Hidden Markov Model
  15. A Closed-Loop Method for Bio-Impedance Measurement with Application to Four and Two-Electrode Sensor Systems
  16. Characterization and Enhancement of Non-Invasive Recordings of Intestinal Myoelectrical Activity
  17. New Trends and Challenges in the Development of Microfabricated Probes for Recording and Stimulating of Excitable Cells
  18. Skin Roughness Assessment
  19. Off-axis Neuromuscular Training for Knee Ligament Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
  20. Evaluation and Training of Human Finger Tapping Movements
  21. Ambulatory Monitoring of the Cardiovascular System: the Role of Pulse Wave Velocity
  22. Biomagnetic Measurements for Assessment of Fetal Neuromaturation and Well-Being
  23. Optical Spectroscopy on Fungal Diagnosis
  24. Real-Time Raman Spectroscopy for Noninvasive in vivo Skin Analysis and Diagnosis
  25. Design and Implementation of Leading Eigenvector Generator for On-chip Principal Component Analysis Spike Sorting System
  26. Noise Impact in Designed Conditioning System for Energy Harvesting Units in Biomedical Applications
  27. A Novel Soft Actuator Using Metal Hydride Materials and Its Applications in Quality-of-Life Technology
  28. Methods for Characterization of Physiotherapy Ultrasonic Transducers
  29. Some Irradiation-Influenced Features of Pericardial Tissues Engineered for Biomaterials
  30. Non-invasive Localized Heating and Temperature Monitoring based on a Cavity Applicator for Hyperthermia
  31. Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) for Medical Applications
  32. Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks for Animal Behavior Research
  33. Complete Sound and Speech Recognition System for Health Smart Homes: Application to the Recognition of Activities of Daily Living
  34. New Emerging Biomedical Technologies for Home-care and Telemedicine Applications: the Sensorwear Project
  35. Neuro-Developmental Engineering: towards Early Diagnosis of Neuro-Developmental Disorders

Idioma: inglés